October 27, 2016

Update - October Meeting

Helloooo Bookenders!

I was supposed to post this last week, so I'm very sorry for the delay! Hope your midterms have been swell and are winding down now that we're getting to November.

1. Meeting Date & Time
2. Add us on Facebook (and join the Social Committee!)
3. Discord app/website
4. Social Events - November and December

1. Meeting Date & Time
The room has finally been booked! Our meeting will be:

Monday, October 31, 5:00-6:00 pm
Hart House
North Dining Room (2nd floor)

There will be food, so if you can make it and would like to partake, please let me know of your dietary restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, lactose-intolerant, etc.).

2. Add us on FB & Join the Social Committee
Our Social Committee member, Khushnuma Nafis, has set up a Facebook page and group. She will be posting info about our meetings and social events! If you want to be an admin, message her directly (and let me know too, if you want to be on the Social Committee but don't have Facebook!)

3. Reminder about Discord
We also have a discussion group on Discord. You don't need an account to join the conversation!

4. Social Events - Nov & Dec
Our two social events this semester will be (you guessed it) November and December! For November, we will have a Movie Night (TBD), and December, bring your favourite board game (and friends) to our Games Night! If you want to help plan either of these events, please message Khushnuma or reply to this email! (Dates, times, and places are forthcoming.)

Hope to see you on Monday!



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