October 14, 2017

Doodle Reminder + Suggestions for Book of the Month
Hey Bookenders!

I hope you're all plowing through your courses, as well as our book of the month Silence of the Lambs. A big thank you to everyone who's filled out Doodle so far. The race is tight between several dates, so make sure to get your say in by this Tuesday, October 17th.


A point worth noting is that some of the proposed Doodle dates fall under Reading Week. :-)

Also, the online version of Silence of the Lambs is reposted below for those who prefer it over the hard copy:


I've been informed recently that Bookends mail is often re-routed to the Junk folder, so do fight the good fight and keep your eyes peeled for any lost mail there.

Lastly, the club is now open to suggestions for Sci-Fi/Fantasy nominations (i.e. our book for November). Four to five novels will eventually be shortlisted for voting, based on the following criteria:

  • Favourable review by readers
  • Novelty in terms of plot, structure or subject matter
  • Less than 500 pages in length
  • Copies available at Toronto Public Library branches
As an aside, University College is running their phenomenal annual book sale this weekend, with books selling for half-price on Monday. Yum!

Yours truly,