September 16, 2016

Welcome to a new year of Bookends!

Hey Bookenders!

Hope you all had a great (first) week! My name is Taneeta, and I’ll be your Director for the 2016-2017 year. I’m so excited to kick off another year of reading, discussing, and socializing with all of you!

Our first meeting of the year will be for introductions (and a little club business), so new and returning members can get acquainted. Feel free to bring your friends! It’ll be Friday, September 30.

I'm still in the process of a booking a room (and a time), mostly because it's difficult to find one that allows food. If you have any recommendations, I'd really appreciate it! I'll send out an email later on this month with the official details, but I wanted to kick off the year first!

If you can't make it to the meeting, I'll be sending out a follow-up email to summarize everything we talk about. All other meetings of the year will be decided democratically, through polls.

If you have any comments or concerns about accessibility before/during/after meetings, please let me know, whether in person or by email. It is important to me that you feel comfortable and welcomed at our meetings.

I’d also love to get your ideas about how to make this year of Bookends our best yet, so talk to me at the meeting or shoot me an email to get it all started! I’d particularly like your feedback on:
-    ideas for social events (free/inexpensive ones preferred)
-    whether you prefer afternoon or evening meetings, and on which days
-    themes of the month!

See you at the meeting! I’m looking forward to meeting all of you.


Taneeta Doma
Director, Bookends