November 12, 2016

November 2016 Book of the Month

Hey Bookenders!

Thanks to everyone who voted for the book of the month. The two top choices were very close (just 1 vote separated them!) but ultimately there was a winner...

The Book Thief, by Marcus Zusak.

Click here to vote for the time/date for our November meeting. Hope you enjoy the book!



Movie Night Details

Hey Bookenders!

Just a quick update on the movie night -- we're still screening V for Vendetta on Tuesday November 22 in Hart House (North Dining Room -- the same place as the October meeting), but the time is now 6:30 pm because they're really busy! I hope people can still come, and of course you can always leave early. The film is 2h12min, so it should be done by 9pm.

If you're not familiar with Hart House, the North Dining Room is on the second floor (turn left when you've climbed the main stairs). If you take the elevator, turn right and go past the library.

As mentioned before, this is a Bookends-only event due to licensing restrictions.

V for Vendetta
Tue Nov 22, 6:30pm
Hart House - North Dining Room

Hope to see you there!
