September 15, 2018

And the themes for this year are...

Bookends, get ready for an enigmatic October.

We're kicking it off this month with MYSTERY. Nominations for books will be open until Monday September 17th. 

Thanks to everyone who came out to our first meeting. As voted upon, here are the themes we'll be visiting this year.
  • October: mystery
  • November: science fiction/fantasy
  • December: exams, no book of the month
  • January: non-fiction/memoir
  • February: translated/international
  • March: unique format (play, poetry, graphic novel, short stories)
  • April: exams, no book of the month
For those who weren't able to join us yesterday, we hope to see you next time! In the meantime, send us an email at letting us know which perplexing story you'd like to read next.

Yours truly,

Mia and Connie

September 12, 2018

First Meeting of the Semester

Welcome back to school Bookenders!  

Please join us on Friday, September 14th in SS 2120 at 3pm for our first meeting this semester. For those of you that can't make 3pm, don't worry. We'll be sticking around for a while, so feel free to drop by and say hi!

We will be introducing the club, deciding on book themes for the year, and delving into some fun (and controversial) booklover questions. If you want a say in our next month's book, we hope to see you there!

- Connie and Mia