September 21, 2014

~ October Nominations! ~

It's finally time for the reading to begin! First and foremost, Thank You to all of those who where able to make it out to the general meeting. If anyone does have questions please don't hesitate to send them in my direction.

Now to get the year started; October is just around the corner and the theme for the month is Horror/ Mystery. Nominations for book suggestions are now open. Feel free to send in any book titles you're interested in reading during the month of October, or you think will best fit the theme. Deadline to send in nominations is: Thursday, September 25th, 2014.

Can't wait to see what we will be starting our year with! Hope to hear from all of you and look out for future posts soon!

Thurga Ganeshamoorthy
Director of Bookends
University of Toronto St. George


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