November 30, 2017

Call for January Nominations

I hope everyone's had a chance to read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It's such a serious not-so-serious novel that makes you wonder if anything that matters, matters at all...

So, while we did get to engage in some rowdy Jeopardy brawls at our meeting (congrats Gargle Blasters!), what we did not do was decide upon our book of the month for January. (In case you're wondering, course notes are the 'book of the month' for December.) Nominations for breathtaking Historical fiction novels are welcome until December 13th. Preferences for nominations include being less than 500 pages in length, strong reviews online, and copies available at the Toronto Public Library. 

Best of luck with exams, and I'll see you all on the brighter side!

Towel in hand,

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