About Us

Bookends is a book club affiliated with the University of Toronto. We explore a variety of works and aren't limited by genre/content.

Our club is run democratically. Members vote for the book they would like to read, the times/dates of meetings, and what we do for social events. The Director is responsible for coordinating, but not controlling, club procedures.

At each meeting, we discuss the book of the month and anything else brought up by club members. Social events may be centred around books, but may not - we have held games nights and movie nights in the past.

The Bookends team consists of a Board of Directors and one committee: the Social Committee, which plans social events for the club. Each committee is run by a maximum of two committee members. 

For the 2017-2018 school year, the Director is Annoj Thavalingam.

We are in need of Social Committee Members. Please read the below description - if you are interested in being on the Social Committee, please email us!
    Social Committee members are responsible for coordinating all social events outside of Bookends meetings, and communicating with the Director to organize member participation. They will speak at meetings to inform members about planned events, in order to receive feedback. Previous experience is not required, but individuals should be reliable, responsible, and willing to take on all responsibilities associated with this role. It is also preferred that individuals be Bookends members for at least one year.

    To see Bookends' constitution, please click here.