October 09, 2012

Meeting: October 12, 2012!

When: Friday, October 12, 2012

Where: Sammy's Student Exchange (Hart House, lower level)

Time: 6:00 pm

How long? 30 - 40 mins

Which book will we be discussing? "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradburry.


We would like to thank everyone for voting.

We are bummed that not everyone can make it to our first meeting, but most of you have voted to have Friday, Oct 12 as your preferred meeting time. We are very excited to see those of you who can make it there. 


Also, those of you who can't make it, don't fret! We will be opening up discussion boards or at least a discussion space for you so you can introduce yourself, and discuss our monthly book.

More information coming soon!


October 08, 2012

October Nominations

It's a brand new month, which means, it's time for a new Book of the Month!

October's theme is Halloween. Your book can be a comedy or a down right bone-chilling murder myster, but it must have an element of Halloween in it - be it monsters or ghosts or just (some mild) gore.

Submit your nominations by posting a comment below. One nomination per person, as always.

We look forward to reading your noms!


Pick a meeting time for October!

Hello Bookenders!

So, it's October, and time has come for our first meeting! We are hoping to have the first meeting on this Friday, Oct 12, at the following times: 6pm or 6:30pm or 7pm.

Please take a moment to vote for your preferred time or fill in an alternative time/date that you would prefer.

We look forward to seeing you soon!
