I am in the process of getting funding for our club! Yay! One of the conditions of the funding is that I provide a membership list of active members. If you consider yourself to be an active member of Bookends (you read the emails, or look at the website, or participate in the polls/come to meetings), then please send me an email with the following:
- your name
- your student number
- your program of study (PoSt)
This information is submitted for the express purpose of making sure you are UofT students. If you're not, don't worry, but you don't need to send that info!
I will be accepting this info until Saturday, November 5, at 11:59 pm (for time-sensitive reasons). If you don't email me by this time, I'll assume you don't consider yourself an active member of Bookends. Thanks for your cooperation!
I've also attached a poll for our first social event -- Movie Night! You can vote on the movie below, and choose the date/time here. Both will close Saturday, November 5, at 11:59 pm as well (just to keep it simple).
Looking forward to your responses!
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